All-Ukrainian Association «PROTECTED MEDICINE»
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On what issues do you turn to lawyers mostly?
on licensing of medical practice
on preparation for the accreditation of medical institutions
to resolve conflicts with patients
on other issues
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Current Members

Членство в ВОС "ЗАЩИЩЕННАЯ МЕДИЦИНА" может быть индивидуальным (для физических лиц), так и коллективным (для предприятий, организаций, объединений). 

Информация о членам нашей организации вносится в Реестр и охраняется в соответствии с действующим законодательством Украины о персональных данных. Поэтому на данной странице размещены только данные тех членов, которые дали письменное согласие на размещение их персональных данных на сайте ОС.  

A   K  

Antonov Sergey

Attorney, a lawyer specializing in legal support of medical practice, the mediator

Has been practicing law since 1998 in areas such as medical, civil, labor, commercial and corporate law. In particular, has extensive experience in providing legal medical practice with the using of assisted reproductive technologies. One of the leading CIS lawyers specializing in medical law. Consults clients and provides legal services to the most complex legal issues in the implementation of medical practice.

Has three educations: law, medical and expert (forensic expert).

In 2009 he took a refresher course for lawyers on specialization «Medical Law» in the School of Law University of Edinburgh (UK).

Founder and head of the International Legal Bureau «VERDYS Law» (corporation VERDYS Group International).

At the same time Sergey Antonov is actively engaged in scientific activities. He is a research associate of Koretsky Institute of state and law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Candidate of Law. When writing a thesis on «Civil liability for personal injury in the provision of paid medical services» used materials collected during the internship in Sweden and Denmark.

President of CU «Protected Medicine». 

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Kladko Victoria

Specialists in the field of training and selection of staff, the organization and provision of health activities

Director of "K-Business" (Zaporizhzhya), head of the Regional Office of the International Professional Learning Center IPLC Ukraine. Has many years of experience in organizing of educational and other activities for managers and professionals in the field of medicine. 

Has many years of experience in managing of private medical institutions of dental profile. 

First Vice President of  CU "Protected medicine".

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